Friday, November 9, 2018

Futuristic transportation system

Hey hi ,
Before talking about transportation system,
let's first understand the meaning of transportation system, so the transportation system is the system which is done by application of technology and scientific principles to provide a movement of the people and lots of stuff from one place to other in more efficient manner.
In present we all know what type of transportation services we are utilizing. [i.e. by road, highway, air (airplane), in water (boat, submarine etc.)]
As we will move ahead in the field of transportation , we will easily be able to find many problems 
in the manner ( current problems and predicted solution possibility)
1) On road Transportation : If i want talk about today's road transportation there are two major problems comes into mind
  • Traffic : Nowadays traffic jam are so common this problem is from past so many years, its commonly found at the nodes or joints of many roads and its generally also caused by unsupervised signal system.
  • Fuel : So talking about fuel like petrol & diesel ,as we all know its not available as a infinite source so there is very limited source available and its not a renewable therefore its price is going on increasing year by year. (we have a time to discover an alternative of fuel till this limited sources are available.)
Predicted Solution by me : 
OK, so talking about road transportation i think the mechanism of road is outdated .
i think we should look for new method which will overcome the problems like traffic and lack of fuel simultaneously.

Electromagnetic force for Road and vehicles :
Yes, what if we created road and vehicle which are magnetize by electricity ! (No, i am not talking about trains which runs on magnetic force.)
  • what if we magnetize the road in as one permanent pole of magnet and all cars also magnetized which will repel road from below also the every car's each outer-surface should be polarized as a one pole of magnet and other pole is at inside surface, so that all cars will repel each other and the car will also move above the road and according to weight and size of the vehicle every vehicle should move at different level in air so it will reduce traffic jam problem.  
  • now also we can make the above surface of the car covered by the solar panel , so that the electricity required to create a electromagnetic field will be fulfilled. and that's how we can replace limited sourced fuel to renewable fuel and that's how it will be cost efficient and as well as it wont create a problem of insufficient fuel as we are continuously storing electricity in batteries.  

    I have its proper mechanism so yes i am on my way to revolutionize this road transportation system !  


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